This Belgian-style pale ale is dry-hopped in a modern American style to create a refreshing mashup of both beer cultures! Based on Karl Vanevenhoven’s homebrew recipe, we brewed KARLSBELG with Washington-grown Genie pils and Buzz pale barley malts, and a touch of Elwah River spelt, then fermented it with a blend of Belgian & American yeast strains for a restrained Belgian spice character. Setting it apart from tradition, we dry-hopped it with Yakima Valley Cascade, Loral & Palisade varieties for a floral & lemon character.
Dutchie: Lodi Dodi
A fresh batch of Dutchie hazy IPA with bright notes of ripe tropical guava, tangerine nectar, ending with a resinous note of cannabis. Brewed with a base of Buzz Pils barley malt & flaked Oats, then generously hopped with El Dorado, Azacca Lupomax, HBC 586 &...